Stamp Collecting: The Perfect Hobby For Minimalists

It’s easy, fun, affordable, and takes up hardly any space

3 min readJun 20, 2021

Hobbies that involve collecting things can be difficult for minimalists. If you’re trying to keep your belongings to a bare minimum, that vinyl record collection or hoard of fine art can be quite cumbersome.

Personally, I don’t collect anything, but I understand the appeal of these types of hobbies from years of collecting sports cards as a kid. So I got to thinking: what does a minimalist do if they genuinely love collecting things as a hobby?

Obviously there are degrees of minimalism, and some minimalists would be quite happy to make an exception and allow room for whatever their collecting hobby demands. After all, if the hobby improves your life, shouldn’t it override the demands of minimalism?

But what about the hardcore minimalist who really is serious about keeping only the essentials in their living spaces? What can they do about the collecting dilemma? As I dwelt on this conundrum, it occurred to me that there is one particular hobby that takes up hardly any space at all: stamp collecting.

Now you may say: that’s a cool solution and all, but what if I don’t care about stamps?




A Writer Navigates Life in Search of Luminous Things. Interests: Creativity, Lifestyle, Mental Health. Reach me: